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Is Algae friend or foe

Is Algae friend or foe

We have all seen some type of algae in our ponds and thought oh no, what happened. Well, the answer is an Eco system happened. Algae is a plant, a living thing that strives off of particles in the pond, so when you see algae in your pond, it means you have healthy life sustainable water. Depending on the algae, depends on what you could do. When you have string algae like what is shown in this picture, you may want to pull it out when it starts to get out of control because it could damage pump and clog systems and make it hard for your pondlife to get around. You can install a IonGen System that will heavily reduce string algae. For algae that is growing on your rocks, waterfalls, fountains, streams, you can use a algaecide. This way is inexpensive if get it from time to time but keep in mind that algae is a natural accurance. Unless it is blooming and creating an unsightly pea soup in your pond, like what you see here in this pick bellow.

It is not going to hurt anything. Algae that sit on your rocks or at the bottom of your pond is a good thing. It helps keep your pond clean by taking in fish waist and letting off filtered water. It’s a plant, and plants are needed to create a happy ecosystem.

                One thing to keep in mind, if you drained your pond for a cleanout, then you need to get that biological system going again. This is the natural system is the pond that keeps an ecosystem going. To do this you need to add a Beneficial Bacteria to jump start this process. This creates a healthy living environment for your pond family.   

Till next time, this is Alan Brooks,

     Signing off….

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