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Predictor Deterrent

How Many of you have a problem predictors? I had cranes and seagulls looking at my fish but once I put a cover over the pond it seems like they don’t come around anymore. I’m sure there are other predictors out there attacking your ponds not just birds. I’ve seen bears, racoons, cats, dogs, eagles, and anything else that likes fish. don’t let it discourage you, there are many ways you can fight these pond burglars without hurting the wildlife and your critter family.

This is a Heron This is good for birds and smaller animals that are afraid of large birds. It also keeps Herons away. The real bird is about the same size and color as this deterrent. If the real bird gets into your pond, he will have a very expensive meal, along with one of your fish baby’s.

There are other deterrents for different problems. I seen a video that showed a raccoon tackle the heron decoy, it was pretty funny. if I can find it ill post it. With that in mind, here are some other deterrents.

Here is a Scare Crow These work great for almost everything else that doesn’t like to get hit with a stream of water. I have even heard of people hooking up alarms to this item also, so when it goes off, its make a scary sound that assists in shewing them away. There are some critters out there in the animal Kingdome that may get used to this and work around it but for most cases, the Scare Crow does pretty good.

Here is a fun one, The Floating Alligator Decoy This works great for scaring birds, cats, guests, and works great for an conversational ice breaker. These are great for those who have a large pond. At least a large enough pond this alligator will not take away from viewing your fish.

Lastly, you have the Pond Net. This has two jobs, it can keeps the leaves and smaller falling debris out of the pond, and it can keep the small animals like raccoons out of the pond. I seen a video where a raccoon is walking across someone’s pond and was not able to reach the fish, so I think this net works pretty good.

If anyone else has some good ideas on how to keep them invaders out of the pond lets hear it. post your comment and picctur links bellow and ill post them here.


Alan Brooks

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